TCF Around the World
TCF's missionaries all started out as members of the congregation. There was a day when TCF leaders prayed, "Lord, give us just one missionary we can call our own."
Today, the answer to that prayer is seen in the twelve singles and families who were part of the congregation in Tulsa, and heard the call to missions - and now serve God on the field in various places around the world.
Many were part of the fellowship for years and heard missions messages from the pulpit many times. Some originally came to TCF because they know it is a missions-minded church, and wanted to connect, get equipped, and be released into the harvest field God had for them.
With TCF's current membership, more than 20% of our members are serving God on the mission field. Within the past 15 years, TCF sent out a young doctor to a Central Asian nation, a couple to the Balkans, a couple to Spain, and a young single woman to Asia. TCF has 2nd generation missionaries, too - with children of TCF missionaries serving in new fields of their own. In 2019, TCF sent out a veteran missionary couple as well as a young couple (the husband of the family grew up at TCF since age 6) to Asia and the Middle East, and now two missionary kids of TCF missionaries have grown and are serving overseas on their own.
TCF's missionaries are both veterans, with more than four decades of missions experience, and relative newcomers, just now beginning their service. TCF missionaries have served with a variety of agencies, including larger, well-seasoned organizations such as WEC, YWAM, Wycliffe, Christar, Frontiers, Pioneers, DAI, Navigators, and WIM, as well as newer missions agencies such as In His Image International.
TCF's missions program is unique in that the church only provides support for "home-grown" missionaries. While most of TCF's missionaries receive a portion of their financial support from the church missions budget, there are some who earn their support elsewhere, or serve as "tentmakers" - earning their living outside a traditional "support" system.
TCF's annual missions conference each February features each of the TCF missionaries with displays and information.
Here are some of TCF's missionaries and where they serve (with more than half of TCF's missionaries, the locations have been left out or regionalized due to sensitive cultural or government situations where these ones serve - in most instances, the names have been left off altogether at the request of the missionary, due to the sensitivity of the place in which this family ministers.)
Dan and Mary Lu Coventon - discipleship, training and mobilizing Latin missionaries in Honduras and central America for cross-cultural missions
Randy and Deanna Harrison - teaching annually in seminary in Ivory Coast, west Africa; now semi-retired and based in Atlanta, and continuing to teach modular courses at the school, either virtually or in-person.
John and Barbara Heins - Bible translation work in various nations (currently working from a Wycliffe/Seed Company base in North Carolina; working with the Chibi language project in Brazil)
Alfredo and Sarah Melendres - Upgrade Sports outreach and discipleship ministry in Barcelona, Spain
Gordon and Sue Wright - worldwide teaching ministry including Russia/Ukraine, Spain, Middle East and among U.S. Slavic churches, and more....
John and Yuri Niles - teaching English in Japan....
TCF missions activities also includes a wide variety of short-term missions, including both TCF-sponsored, as well as missions with other agencies.
Additionally, about half of TCF missionaries, because of the sensitive work they do in restricted countries, have asked we not include their names in our online list - pray for them as well. Their work includes things such as helping special needs children, compassion ministries in south Asia, medicine in Central Asia.
TCF's missionaries all started out as members of the congregation. There was a day when TCF leaders prayed, "Lord, give us just one missionary we can call our own."
Today, the answer to that prayer is seen in the twelve singles and families who were part of the congregation in Tulsa, and heard the call to missions - and now serve God on the field in various places around the world.
Many were part of the fellowship for years and heard missions messages from the pulpit many times. Some originally came to TCF because they know it is a missions-minded church, and wanted to connect, get equipped, and be released into the harvest field God had for them.
With TCF's current membership, more than 20% of our members are serving God on the mission field. Within the past 15 years, TCF sent out a young doctor to a Central Asian nation, a couple to the Balkans, a couple to Spain, and a young single woman to Asia. TCF has 2nd generation missionaries, too - with children of TCF missionaries serving in new fields of their own. In 2019, TCF sent out a veteran missionary couple as well as a young couple (the husband of the family grew up at TCF since age 6) to Asia and the Middle East, and now two missionary kids of TCF missionaries have grown and are serving overseas on their own.
TCF's missionaries are both veterans, with more than four decades of missions experience, and relative newcomers, just now beginning their service. TCF missionaries have served with a variety of agencies, including larger, well-seasoned organizations such as WEC, YWAM, Wycliffe, Christar, Frontiers, Pioneers, DAI, Navigators, and WIM, as well as newer missions agencies such as In His Image International.
TCF's missions program is unique in that the church only provides support for "home-grown" missionaries. While most of TCF's missionaries receive a portion of their financial support from the church missions budget, there are some who earn their support elsewhere, or serve as "tentmakers" - earning their living outside a traditional "support" system.
TCF's annual missions conference each February features each of the TCF missionaries with displays and information.
Here are some of TCF's missionaries and where they serve (with more than half of TCF's missionaries, the locations have been left out or regionalized due to sensitive cultural or government situations where these ones serve - in most instances, the names have been left off altogether at the request of the missionary, due to the sensitivity of the place in which this family ministers.)
Dan and Mary Lu Coventon - discipleship, training and mobilizing Latin missionaries in Honduras and central America for cross-cultural missions
Randy and Deanna Harrison - teaching annually in seminary in Ivory Coast, west Africa; now semi-retired and based in Atlanta, and continuing to teach modular courses at the school, either virtually or in-person.
John and Barbara Heins - Bible translation work in various nations (currently working from a Wycliffe/Seed Company base in North Carolina; working with the Chibi language project in Brazil)
Alfredo and Sarah Melendres - Upgrade Sports outreach and discipleship ministry in Barcelona, Spain
Gordon and Sue Wright - worldwide teaching ministry including Russia/Ukraine, Spain, Middle East and among U.S. Slavic churches, and more....
John and Yuri Niles - teaching English in Japan....
TCF missions activities also includes a wide variety of short-term missions, including both TCF-sponsored, as well as missions with other agencies.
Additionally, about half of TCF missionaries, because of the sensitive work they do in restricted countries, have asked we not include their names in our online list - pray for them as well. Their work includes things such as helping special needs children, compassion ministries in south Asia, medicine in Central Asia.