The TCF 2025 Missions Conference is just a few weeks away - click here for more information
on schedule and speakers
on schedule and speakers
If you're unable to come to our Sunday service or are out of town, you will be able to access TCF sermon audio at this link, immediately following each Sunday's service.
We meet Sunday mornings at TCF at 10 a.m.
The church office is open Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-noon.
We meet Sunday mornings at TCF at 10 a.m.
The church office is open Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-noon.
Family, Missions, the Word
TCF is a missions-minded, New Testament church with a nurturing, family atmosphere, a strong commitment to the integrity of God's Word(rightly handling the Word of truth 2 Tim. 2:15), and a distinctive, plural (team) leadership.
Training and Going into the Harvest
For TCF, the harvest extends well beyond Tulsa into the world. Missions is the heartbeat of TCF, with about 20% of the church's membership on the field in locations around the world.
The Integrity of the Word of God
TCF's shared pulpit sees different elders preaching nearly every week, but the Holy Spirit brings a common thread to the messages. TCF's congregation is built up with solid, biblical teaching and sound doctrine, applied to the everyday lives of the believers, so that members are equipped to live lives faithful to the Lord, and equipped to serve Him with undivided hearts.
A Tree Doesn't Grow Unless it has roots!
You also need spiritual roots set deep into God's Word and others.
Let God plant you in a church where you will grow:
- learn spiritual disciplines
- hear and obey God's Spirit
- receive love/healing in a house church
- be equipped for ministry here & abroad
We at Tulsa Christian Fellowship invite you to join us under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Our elders and house-church leaders are dedicated to Him and to each member's growth.
Let God plant you in good soil, and you will bear fruit for Him!
Visit us this Sunday at 10:00 a.m. at 2121 E Third St., Tulsa, OK 74104
We invite you to call (918-587-2400), email or visit us if you have any questions or personal needs.
TCF is a missions-minded, New Testament church with a nurturing, family atmosphere, a strong commitment to the integrity of God's Word(rightly handling the Word of truth 2 Tim. 2:15), and a distinctive, plural (team) leadership.
Training and Going into the Harvest
For TCF, the harvest extends well beyond Tulsa into the world. Missions is the heartbeat of TCF, with about 20% of the church's membership on the field in locations around the world.
The Integrity of the Word of God
TCF's shared pulpit sees different elders preaching nearly every week, but the Holy Spirit brings a common thread to the messages. TCF's congregation is built up with solid, biblical teaching and sound doctrine, applied to the everyday lives of the believers, so that members are equipped to live lives faithful to the Lord, and equipped to serve Him with undivided hearts.
A Tree Doesn't Grow Unless it has roots!
You also need spiritual roots set deep into God's Word and others.
Let God plant you in a church where you will grow:
- learn spiritual disciplines
- hear and obey God's Spirit
- receive love/healing in a house church
- be equipped for ministry here & abroad
We at Tulsa Christian Fellowship invite you to join us under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Our elders and house-church leaders are dedicated to Him and to each member's growth.
Let God plant you in good soil, and you will bear fruit for Him!
Visit us this Sunday at 10:00 a.m. at 2121 E Third St., Tulsa, OK 74104
We invite you to call (918-587-2400), email or visit us if you have any questions or personal needs.