TCF's Help Wanted Prayer Challenge has led to a monthly day devoted to prayer. Once quarterly (January, April, July, October), this event is held at TCF, and TCFers are asked to sign up for an hour (or more) to pray at the church. The other months of the year, we ask people to sign up to pray for an hour (or more), but to pray at home or in a place of their choosing. Here on this page, we've reproduced the literature available on prayer sheets in the downstairs prayer room at TCF, for the convenience and reference of those who would like to utilize these aids to prayer.
12 Hour Prayer Advance
The Elders of TCF are the overseers of the congregation. Their mandate from the Lord and from Scripture is to watch over and to nurture/disciple the souls in their charge. The Elders carefully guard the unity among themselves as well as among the church body, knowing that Satan’s #1 weapon is division. They meet weekly to pray over and discuss issues concerning the life and business of TCF. Their desire is that God would be the One directing the Church rather than anyone’s personal agenda. They are individually and together continually seeking wisdom and guidance from the Lord concerning matters which involve people’s lives and ministry direction for the church. The Elders are committed to mentoring the young men of the church in developing Christ-like character, their gifts and to discern God’s future leaders for TCF.
ELDERS SERVING: Bruce Clutter, Jonathan Faylor, Jim Garrett, Jim Grinnell, Steve Staub, Bill Sullivan, James Thorpe, Dave Troutman, Joel Vesanen, Gordon Wright Prayer Points and Needs: Spiritual renewal and refreshing in their relationship with the Lord * Unity in discerning the Mind of Christ concerning TCF * Wisdom in decisions concerning people and church direction * Mentoring and Discipling young men * Protection for Elders and their families from Satan’s attacks personally, financially and in their leadership role in the church *
The TCF Staff serve the needs of the church on a daily basis on location at the church office and building. These are the folks who keep the gears turning in all the practical areas of administration and maintenance, as well as ministering to those who call or stop in at the office and just generally being on call.
CURRENTLY SERVING: Bruce C – accounting, Diane S – children’s ministry, Debbie M – secretary, Mc family – maintenance, Bill S – pastoral and administrator
Prayer Points and Needs: Pray for each staff member and their family * Pray for strength, wisdom and grace for the administrative tasks they perform as well as ministering to many in our body each day * Ability to discern God’s will in the many decisions that are made in the course of a normal week in the office so that God’s purposes could go forward * Ministry opportunities that come to the door during the week - wisdom and discernment for the staff to know how to minister to them and that the Holy Spirit would impact their lives
Building Council: As a result of our prayer for laborers for the harvest, several in our Body at TCF have felt a need to do some renovations in our building. The concern is not lavish decorating, but that our building would reflect well to the community and especially to those who choose to visit or to consider TCF as a possible church home.
CURRENTLY SERVING: Chuck S., Bob A., Jason F.
Prayer Points and Needs: Prioritizing of projects * Direction and unity for the council as they discuss plans and set things in motion * Skill for those who will do the work * A certain amount of funding is currently available from savings - Further funds as the needs are ascertained * They want to finish up the North Entrance and Hallway
TCF Finances: Despite the challenges the current economy brings to most, God continues to show His faithfulness in providing the needs for TCF. We have been steadily tapping the Missions Shortfall Fund and the balance is getting lower. It needs to be replenished or regular missions giving increased within the next few months so that our missionaries can continue to receive their target amounts each month.
Prayer Points and Needs: God’s provision for the needs of TCF * Continued growth of the Missions budget * Good income-producing jobs for TCFers to enable them to participate in the task God has given us * Wisdom for the Elders in managing the budget * That our old building would not crop up unanticipated expenses before the budget can accommodate them
Body Life in Sunday's service: Many elements make up the ministry that takes place in the Sunday morning service at TCF. All of these elements enable us to minister to the Lord and to one another by the grace of the Holy Spirit within us with the result that the Lord is glorified in His people and the Body of Christ is built up and strengthened in love.
Currently Serving: The Holy Spirit and the Body of Christ at TCF!!
Pray for these Elements of Our Sunday Service and that all would proceed out of the love, unity and renewal of the Holy Spirit: * Partaking of the Lord’s Supper * Corporate Prayer * Prophetic Encouragement and Testimony * Prayer for our Missionaries during the “Missions Moment” * Prayer Teams who minister to Individual Needs * Giving from our Financial Means * Announcements concerning Body Life * Celebrating with New Believers in Believers Baptism * Fellowship Time
Worship Teams: The purpose of the TCF Worship Teams is to lead the congregation into the presence of the Lord through praise and worship. As the initial part of the Sunday morning service, they help set the tone for the rest of the service. Special music, for example during the offering, is often a part of their ministry. They also are responsible for worship at additional services, such as the annual missions conference. They meet to practice on Saturday mornings and on Sunday before the service.
CURRENTLY SERVING: Jim G, Beth T, Jim D, Tom & Hazel B, Dallas H, Jason L, Bo T
Prayer Points and Needs: * For the leaders of the worship teams: Holy Spirit guidance in choosing songs; Directing the practice sessions; Discipling musicians; Protection from spiritual warfare; To know how to cross-pollinate the teams; * For the Worship Team members: Sensitivity to the Holy Spirit’s leading during the worship service; Musical ability (ie. instrumental and vocal); God to bring the right members to the worship team unity. Would love to have more people on the Worship Team!
Sunday Service Prayer Teams: Prayer Teams are available to minister during the time of Body Ministry in the Sunday Morning Service. Anyone in the service who has a need for personal prayer is invited to take advantage of this ministry of prayer. No need is too small or too great to bring to the Lord in prayer. This is a beautiful expression of the Body ministering to one another in the love of Christ and led by the Holy Spirit.
CURRENTLY SERVING: Ed and Nancy H, Jerry and Charlene D, Chuck and Diane S, James and Debbie M
Prayer Points and Needs: * New Participants desired for the Prayer Team ministry * Wisdom and discernment in praying for people * To be led by the Holy Spirit * People would feel free to come for prayer * People would experience the healing and encouragement of the Holy Spirit
Communion Preparation: Preparing the Communion elements for the Body of Christ to partake and together remember the death of our Lord.
Currently Serving: Jim G
Sunday Morning Greeters: These are the first friendly faces we see as we enter the church on Sunday morning, directing those who are visiting or new and welcoming all to worship.
Sunday Morning Security Team: TCF men volunteer to stand watch at the back entrance to ensure security both for the church service and the parking lot
Currently Serving: Various men in the church. Prayer Points and Needs: Pray for the security of our church, the property and those coming and going on Sunday and during the week.
Presentation Team: The ministry of the Presentation Team is to enhance the ministry of the services at TCF. During the Praise and Worship, they synchronizing the lyrics of the songs being sung onstage by the worship team on the front screens in order to aid the congregation in participation in the singing. During the Ministry of the Word, the team sometimes presents additional speaker’s visual content on the front screens for the congregation to view. After the service, the team uploads the speaker’s message to the internet to access a wider audience. This work includes setting up and monitoring TCF's live Zoom cast of the Sunday service.
CURRENTLY SERVING: Caleb C, Daniel D, Dave M, Barb S, Ethan T
Prayer Points and Needs: * Synchronization of songs between the worship team and the powerpoint being run from the computer * Wisdom to simplify the presentation during a service and uploading of content onto the internet after the service * Protection from technical difficulties and mistakes * Need another volunteer
The Sound Team sets up and operates the sound equipment for TCF services. They arrive 1 hour prior to the service to set up equipment for that week's worship team configuration and to record the sermon. They mix the microphone levels to give the best sound in the auditorium. The Sound Team must remain alert at all times during the service to correct, as quickly as possible, any problems that arise with the sound equipment. CURRENTLY SERVING: Jerry D, Steve S
Prayer Points and Needs: * That each team member will be quick to identify and resolve equipment problems in a way that does not disturb the worship service * That we will be able to identify the improvements that will give the listeners and the users of the sound equipment the most benefit * That the Sound Team will be able to participate in the service while keeping the equipment running properly * That equipment will work properly and be durable * That equipment will be protected from abuse or theft
Ushers serve during the Sunday Morning Service by greeting visitors and handing them TCF information packets. They collect the congregational tithes and offerings and deliver them to a secure location. On the last Sunday, they direct the congregation to the front of the church where Communion is served. Ushers play an important role in ensuring order in these elements of our services.
Currently Serving: Al B, Mark R, Chuck S,
Prayer Points and Needs: * That our Ushers would view their service as unto the Lord and the Body of Christ * To be aware of the import of their responsibility * To be on time to the service and alert and ready to go during the service * To know that their service is valued by the Lord and by the Body
Pulpit Ministry: The Elders of TCF mainly function in this role although the elders are always on the alert for men in the congregation, other than elders, who would be a blessing to the church in preaching or teaching. There especially is a desire to see some of the younger men grow in this gift. All of the current preacher/teachers are very concerned about rightly dividing the Word of God. It is also important that those in the pulpit not only give accurate teaching, but that the Word from the Lord for the moment for His people comes forth. This requires much time and seeking of the Lord, with heart preparation as well as study.
CURRENTLY SERVING: The TCF Elders and occasional guests and TCF missionaries
Prayer Points and Needs: * Preachers/Teachers would rightly divide the Word of God * Their hearts and ears would be open to what the Lord wants to say to His people * God would lay His Word on their hearts * Protection over their preparation time and from general satanic harassment the week before ministering (and after!)
New Members Class: This 8 week class is taught by the Elders and is a prerequisite for membership. Pray for those who will be attending and will be confirming their commitment to TCF.
House Churches: TCF House Churches meet weekly. They are located throughout the city and much of church life is centered in these smaller groups. House Churches operate as smaller versions of church with worship, fellowship, growth and mission as central focuses. Each House Church has its own particular flavor centered around growing together in the Lord through prayer, discipleship, teaching and relational accountability. Because of the smaller number, those committed to a House Church are able to develop meaningful and intimate relationships with each other. The practical nurturing of needs and support comes to TCF members largely through the house church to which they belong. Additionally, the House Church serves as an ideal place to bring unbelievers, friends, etc as members are encouraged to develop and maintain a lifestyle of evangelism.
TCF House Churches: Midwest - Troutmans & Sheppards; Jesus Inn - Wrights & Guarnieris; Piccolo - Sullivans
Prayer Points and Needs: *Pray for house church pastors and co-pastors, renewed strength, creativity and vision * challenges, health and other issues that many members of the house churches are facing * for the Spirit's strength, wisdom and power in ministry to one another in house churches * that the ministry of the Word through teaching and Bible study would result in growth and grace and maturity in Christ * for relationships to be deep in the love and unity of Christ * for young leaders to be raised up in house churches * for more TCFers to be involved in house churches
Sunday Night Seminar: The Sunday Night Seminars run concurrently with Bible Bowl and FASTRAC for 8 weeks in the Spring and the Fall. The Seminars have offered an extracurricular opportunity for those seeking Christian growth and discipleship through teaching and discussion on varied topics such as: Christian History, in-depth study of individual Books of the Bible, Christian Marriage, Prayer, Evangelism, Christian Mission, Christian Worldview, World Religions, etc
TEACHERS/FACILITATORS: Usually, the TCF Elders teach and/or facilitate the presentation of material in the Sunday Night Seminars.
Prayer Points and Needs: *That the Elders would hear God’s direction concerning themes for each seminar * For teachers to be guided in preparation and able to communicate clearly to the class * That those attending would grasp God’s truth from each session and be able to practically apply it to their lives * That TCF members would take opportunity to invite Christian friends or others they know for whom a particular topic would be relevant * Pray that the current seminar would enlighten and solidify a biblically sound Christian worldview
2nd Wednesday Corporate Prayer: TCF Corporate Prayer is held the 2nd Wednesday of each month at the church. House Churches cancel their regular meeting and encourage their members to attend this gathering for corporate prayer. Prayer is offered up for the needs of TCF and its ministries as well as TCF members in need, all TCF missionaries, and whatever the Lord might direct.
SERVING AS FACILITATORS: The TCF Elders on a rotating basis
Prayer Points and Needs: * That the Holy Spirit would give the Elder leading clarity and creativity concerning direction, focus or theme for the meeting * That the Holy Spirit would guide every point of prayer * Each person attending would be led by the Holy Spirit in their particular participation in offering prayer * That the Holy Spirit would renew our hearts concerning prayer for the church and increase attendance to this meeting
Missions Prayer Band was initiated in 2001 with the purpose of having a regular time of corporate prayer to support all TCF Missionaries. Held every Sunday morning upstairs in Room 212, from 9-10 A.M. before the main service at TCF, this small band of intercessors prays for our missionaries around the world and the nations in which they serve. A section of this prayer hour is also devoted to pray for the Persecuted Church worldwide.
CURRENTLY SERVING: Facilitated by: Gordon & Sue W
Prayer Points and Needs: * More pray-ers to support our missionaries in prayer! * Pray-ers to commit to 1 or 2 Sundays/month if they can’t come every week.
TCF Library is a valuable resource for many genre of Christian oriented reading & audio/visual material. There are materials for kids as well as adults from fiction to biographies to teaching/instructional. The library is stocked mainly from donations. It is a popular place for many to stop off at on Sundays to browse or borrow.
Prayer Points and Needs: *Pray for Carla as she continues to process donations and organizes the library resources * Volunteers needed!
Men’s Council: The Men's Council is charged with the responsibility of directing the Men’s Ministry at TCF. This includes planning the quarterly men’s fellowship breakfasts and special meetings during the year covering guy-specific topics. The men will be meeting to discuss making the TCF building more accessible to people with disabilities. Pray about funding for the work.
CURRENTLY SERVING: Mike B, James M, Chuck S, Steve S, Jon F
The Men's Council has a list of men who sign up for specific Sundays as security detail during the service.
Prayer Points and Needs: That the Council will know God’s direction in planning events, special speakers, and fellowship for the men * That TCF men will find common connections and develop friendships with each other * That through this ministry each man’s relationship with the Lord will be nurtured and strengthened * Pray for the “Samson Society” a fellowship where men can talk about personal struggles in a confidential setting and that men will feel free to come.
Women's Council: The Women's Council oversees the Women's Ministry for TCF. The Council prays for the women of TCF. It plans and facilitates events throughout the year that are aimed at meeting the needs of the women. We plan at least one service event every year that so that the women can work together to serve a ministry or individuals who have needs. The Council also facilitates the gathering of food items and provides service for meals planned at TCF for missionaries, funerals, and other events requiring a meal.
Prayer Points and Needs: * The Women's Council would know God’s direction on ways to best meet the needs of the women at TCF * That God would knit the women of TCF together, and that we can be encouraged by each other in our faith * That more of the women of TCF would be drawn to participate in the women’s meetings and activities *
The Baby and the Toddler Nurseries care for children from birth to pre-school during the Sunday morning service. They are staffed by TCF members who volunteer on a particular Sunday each month.
CURRENTLY SERVING: Diana D, Cheryl B, Ruth V, Linda S, Debbie M, Junghee & Christine D, Maren B, Barb S, Evangeline F
Prayer Points & Needs: Praise the Lord for several new volunteers * Wisdom and grace for those serving to minister to the babies and toddlers * That the Holy Spirit would fill the nurseries with the peace of His presence. Need Subs for the Nursery Workers.
Children’s Church classes function as “Sunday School” for TCF children. Children’s Church serves kids preschool age to 6th grade. The goal is to help the children come into a relationship with God, the Father, and Jesus Christ, Savior and Lord, through the work of the Holy Spirit. We want to help them grow in their knowledge of God's Word, and in expressing their faith by their godly lives, words and deeds.
CURRENTLY SERVING: Preschool through 2nd Grade: James T & James M, Megan F & John F; Carla D, Thomas D; 3rd - 6th Grade: Jody M, Diane S, Charlene D, Karen S, Nancy H, Christine D
Prayer Points and Needs: New Helper needed for 3-6 grades *Teaching Teams will work well together * Teachers will have wisdom in teaching and presenting God’s Word * Children’s hearts will be open and responsive to the Lord * KIds will be attentive and able to apply the Word to their lives * Teachers will have wisdom in ministering to the children who are coming in from the neighborhood * Wisdom in renovating the upstairs for more effective ministry * PTL! Resource room has been organized!
Bible Bowl is a Sunday night program for children from age 4 to 4th grade. Bible Bowl runs 8 weeks in January and February and again in September and October. The emphasis is Scripture Memory designed to help children build a lifelong habit of “hiding God’s Word in their hearts.” The evening includes activities, games, prizes and lots of FUN!
CURRENTLY SERVING: Diana D, Bill S, Amy T, James T, Steve S
Prayer Points and Needs: Bible Bowl coaches – strength, energy, wisdom and a good connection with each of the kids that attend * Parents would be closely involved with their kids in helping them to catch a vision for and to be diligent in memorizing scripture * A hunger in the hearts of the children for God’s Word and God’s Truth * That each child would grow in grace and in the knowledge of Jesus as their Savior and Lord *New kids coming in this fall will transition well into the group
FASTRAC: An acronym for “Fifth and Sixth Team Reaching After Christ,” FASTRAC provides a transition between the children of Bible Bowl age and the youth of BASIC. It runs 8 weeks in January and February and again in September and October (concurrently with the Sunday Night Seminar and Bible Bowl). Fun and games are carefully balanced by solid Bible teaching and discussion as the youth are encouraged to nurture their daily walk with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Prayer Points and Needs: For the Leaders of FASTRAC: The ability to develop meaningful relationships with the kids *To discern what the kids need and be able to teach them effectively * Be led by the Holy Spirit in planning the Bible lessons and games *Find an outside service project for the youth * For the 5th & 6th Graders in FASTRAC: *Pray for new kids coming in this fall. That the kids would be attentive and have open ears and hearts to learn from the Scripture lessons * Full surrender to God (Rom. 12:1-2) * Hear and obey God's voice * Form Christ-centered relationships * Have fun
Brothers And Sisters in Christ (B.A.S.I.C.) is a community of 7th grade through high school students that meets on Sunday evenings at TCF. The purpose of this youth meeting is to create a safe and open environment for TCF and community teens to be discipled in Jesus Christ and in the Word of God as it relates to everyday life and its challenges. Teens are challenged to grow deeper in their relationship with God and each other. Besides the weekly gatherings, throughout the year special opportunities are offered for fellowship, Christian growth, service and missions.
Prayer Points and Needs: Pray for the leaders and their families, protection and God's presence Pray for the Lord's leading in this vitally important discipleship of our teens. *. * For the leaders to develop relationships of trust with the youth * To be led by the Holy Spirit in their gatherings * God's strength and guidance in coordinating meetings and activities * For the new kids coming into BASIC. * That they would know the true Nature of God and truly love Him. * That the Lord will make Himself real to the teens * To grow in love toward and God and faith in Him * That their walk with God will be a priority in their lives * To apply what they are being taught to real life
The Kendall Whittier Neighborhood is where TCF is located in Tulsa. KW Elementary School is where TCF has a focused outreach -“Good News Club”– an after school Bible program. This is a time of transition in most areas of peoples lives due to the challenging times in which we live. Pray that this will open opportunities for the Gospel.
Prayer Points and Needs: * Thank God for the impact TCF has had on the neighborhood and for all that He wants to do for the people of KW * TCF’s vision and role in reaching out to the neighborhood. * * Wisdom for the school administration in their efforts to improve the outcomes for students * Renewed spirit of community in the KW area through neighbors befriending each other and being involved in each other’s lives * God’s favor in unity and vision as a broad plan is developed and implemented by neighbors, schools and services providers (many of whom are TCFers) to dramatically improve the prospect for the poor in the neighborhood and to ensure that all children in the community receive a high-quality education and live in a vibrant, healthy community * KW Growing Together, headed by Kirk Wester, providing resources to families affected by poverty, addiction, crime; *City Year, college grads mentoring kids and helping families; * Area renovation spearheaded by TU and Capital Homes* Particular challenges facing the KW area: Domestic Violence, Substance Abuse, Child Abuse and Neglect, Poverty, Premature fatality * God would open hearts and minds to the Gospel and bring salvation
Kendall Whittier Elementary School is the main focal point of TCF’s outreach in the Kendall Whittier area. We want to be a support to this school serving a needy neighborhood. We have a strong presence in the school every Friday through the Good News Club after school Bible program. Kids are being brought to Jesus and trained in Biblical principles. Our relationship with the school administration is healthy and ongoing. We are hoping that the impact for Christ will continue to expand to the families of the KW children and the KW staff and, if they are without a church home, even drawn to attend TCF.
CURRENTLY SERVING: Those serving with the Good News Club after school Bible program.
KW Prayer Initiative - offers weekly, onsite prayer for the school, GNC, and the neighborhood. See Sue Wright for more info
Prayer Points and Needs: * Ronda K, principal of KW - wisdom and direction as she leads the school* KW Teachers, adjusting to the school’s new leadership and facing challenges from more demanding school system standards and requirements * Ask God to break any spiritual strongholds affecting the teachers’ freedom and creativity that enable them to truly connect with the children * Our own Jason F, who teaches 4th grade at KW * Homeless “Shelter Kids” who attend KW * Many significant issues for KW kids, including disabilities, immigrant/language challenges, broken families, substance abuse/addiction, poverty * About 1200 children, from K-6th grade at KW school * Good News Club * Any further opportunities that the Lord may open for us at KW school
Good News Club is an after-school Bible club that meets on Friday afternoons at Kendall Whittier Elementary School. Child Evangelism Fellowship won the right to have these clubs in the schools at a U.S.Supreme Court hearing in 2001. The kids are memorizing Bible verses and learning Bible stories. They sing, play games and have refreshments. As well as group assembly activities, the kids meet in small groups. Most of the kids have prayed to receive Jesus Christ as their personal savior by the end of the school year.
CURRENTLY SERVING: Charlene D, Diane S, Tom & Jody M, Daniel and Emily C
Prayer Points and Needs: A very small number of kids attended last year.* Pray for the Lord to bring the children He wants to be there. *Pray as they implement new, creative ideas and for team unity, *Pray for our volunteers to be able to focus on discipleship of those kids who know the Lord. Pray for the kids who are already believers that the Lord would protect and mature their faith. *Pray for refreshing and great wisdom for the small group leaders as they minister to the kids * Good communication between TCF-GNC leadership team and the KW staff * We have a small group of intercessors who meet weekly to pray for GNC and KW School. Anyone who is interested in joining this group contact Sue W. Contact Laura G for the GNC prayer letter via email.
Vacation Bible School (VBS) is a summer program held each June or July at TCF. There are about 100 kids from the neighborhood who attend as well as TCF kids. Each day begins with an assembly including all the kids. After this, they rotate in crews of 5-10 kids to different activities including Bible Story, crafts, games, snacks, etc. Each day ends with another assembly gathering. Kids have an opportunity to receive Jesus as Savior and to learn a lot about the Bible in a very exciting and FUN atmosphere.
CURRENT WORKERS: A Variety of TCF volunteers each year
Prayer Points and Needs: Pray for James and Amy T as they head up VBS. Wisdom about this year's program and whether it should go on in the midst of the virus crisis, be delayed, or canceled this year.
The Missions Council advises the elders on all aspects of mission policy and finances at TCF. They review the applications submitted by those who feel a call to become a TCF missionary and receive financial and/or prayer support for both long and short-term missionary work. The Missions Council also has input into the planning and carrying out of the annual TCF Missions Conference.
CURRENTLY SERVING: Ed H, Steve S, Linda S, Beth T, Dave T, Caleb C
Prayer Points and Needs: * Wisdom and discernment in making decisions about policy and individual missionaries * Vision and faith for the ongoing missions program at TCF and what God has for us in the future *
The TCF Missions Conference is held annually in February. It is a time to re-envision the congregation concerning our call to world missions and our role in particular to pray, to give, and to go. A keynote speaker is invited to inform and inspire by sharing their experiences and expertise in world missions. The conference also features one or more of the TCF missionaries/families who minister and share about their field of service. The church auditorium is adorned with the flags of the nations in which TCF missionaries serve and the walls are lined with colorful booths highlighting all the TCF missionaries, their work and the nation in which they serve. There is also a Children’s Missions Conference which runs concurrently with the adult conference allowing the children to experience some of the culture and call of world missions.
FACILITATORS: The TCF Elders, The Missions Council, The TCF Staff, Missions Agents
Prayer Points and Needs: *TCF would be re-envisioned for the world – to pray, to give, to go * Those in the congregation that God will call to go as missionaries * Prayer and Giving would be stimulated for our missionaries * Conference would make a city-wide impact for world missions * Those called to be a part of TCF missions vision would be drawn to TCF
Children’s Missions Conference is held during the Friday evening service of the TCF Missions Conference and often continuing it on Sunday during Children’s Church. The goal is for the children to have a mission’s vision for the world, to grow in compassion for the lost, and to know that they can be a part of missions right now as they pray for and support missionaries and mission work. Whenever possible, TCF missionaries who are at home for a time share their experiences. They often have their children share.
CURRENTLY SERVING: Diane S, TCF Missionaries, TCF Volunteers Prayer Points and Needs: *TCF children will receive a vision for missions at an early age * Opportunities for the children to serve the missions vision even while young * Grace and creativity for those planning the conference * Extra help needed for the children’s conference— TCF Volunteers Needed!
12 Hour Prayer Advance
The Elders of TCF are the overseers of the congregation. Their mandate from the Lord and from Scripture is to watch over and to nurture/disciple the souls in their charge. The Elders carefully guard the unity among themselves as well as among the church body, knowing that Satan’s #1 weapon is division. They meet weekly to pray over and discuss issues concerning the life and business of TCF. Their desire is that God would be the One directing the Church rather than anyone’s personal agenda. They are individually and together continually seeking wisdom and guidance from the Lord concerning matters which involve people’s lives and ministry direction for the church. The Elders are committed to mentoring the young men of the church in developing Christ-like character, their gifts and to discern God’s future leaders for TCF.
ELDERS SERVING: Bruce Clutter, Jonathan Faylor, Jim Garrett, Jim Grinnell, Steve Staub, Bill Sullivan, James Thorpe, Dave Troutman, Joel Vesanen, Gordon Wright Prayer Points and Needs: Spiritual renewal and refreshing in their relationship with the Lord * Unity in discerning the Mind of Christ concerning TCF * Wisdom in decisions concerning people and church direction * Mentoring and Discipling young men * Protection for Elders and their families from Satan’s attacks personally, financially and in their leadership role in the church *
The TCF Staff serve the needs of the church on a daily basis on location at the church office and building. These are the folks who keep the gears turning in all the practical areas of administration and maintenance, as well as ministering to those who call or stop in at the office and just generally being on call.
CURRENTLY SERVING: Bruce C – accounting, Diane S – children’s ministry, Debbie M – secretary, Mc family – maintenance, Bill S – pastoral and administrator
Prayer Points and Needs: Pray for each staff member and their family * Pray for strength, wisdom and grace for the administrative tasks they perform as well as ministering to many in our body each day * Ability to discern God’s will in the many decisions that are made in the course of a normal week in the office so that God’s purposes could go forward * Ministry opportunities that come to the door during the week - wisdom and discernment for the staff to know how to minister to them and that the Holy Spirit would impact their lives
Building Council: As a result of our prayer for laborers for the harvest, several in our Body at TCF have felt a need to do some renovations in our building. The concern is not lavish decorating, but that our building would reflect well to the community and especially to those who choose to visit or to consider TCF as a possible church home.
CURRENTLY SERVING: Chuck S., Bob A., Jason F.
Prayer Points and Needs: Prioritizing of projects * Direction and unity for the council as they discuss plans and set things in motion * Skill for those who will do the work * A certain amount of funding is currently available from savings - Further funds as the needs are ascertained * They want to finish up the North Entrance and Hallway
TCF Finances: Despite the challenges the current economy brings to most, God continues to show His faithfulness in providing the needs for TCF. We have been steadily tapping the Missions Shortfall Fund and the balance is getting lower. It needs to be replenished or regular missions giving increased within the next few months so that our missionaries can continue to receive their target amounts each month.
Prayer Points and Needs: God’s provision for the needs of TCF * Continued growth of the Missions budget * Good income-producing jobs for TCFers to enable them to participate in the task God has given us * Wisdom for the Elders in managing the budget * That our old building would not crop up unanticipated expenses before the budget can accommodate them
Body Life in Sunday's service: Many elements make up the ministry that takes place in the Sunday morning service at TCF. All of these elements enable us to minister to the Lord and to one another by the grace of the Holy Spirit within us with the result that the Lord is glorified in His people and the Body of Christ is built up and strengthened in love.
Currently Serving: The Holy Spirit and the Body of Christ at TCF!!
Pray for these Elements of Our Sunday Service and that all would proceed out of the love, unity and renewal of the Holy Spirit: * Partaking of the Lord’s Supper * Corporate Prayer * Prophetic Encouragement and Testimony * Prayer for our Missionaries during the “Missions Moment” * Prayer Teams who minister to Individual Needs * Giving from our Financial Means * Announcements concerning Body Life * Celebrating with New Believers in Believers Baptism * Fellowship Time
Worship Teams: The purpose of the TCF Worship Teams is to lead the congregation into the presence of the Lord through praise and worship. As the initial part of the Sunday morning service, they help set the tone for the rest of the service. Special music, for example during the offering, is often a part of their ministry. They also are responsible for worship at additional services, such as the annual missions conference. They meet to practice on Saturday mornings and on Sunday before the service.
CURRENTLY SERVING: Jim G, Beth T, Jim D, Tom & Hazel B, Dallas H, Jason L, Bo T
Prayer Points and Needs: * For the leaders of the worship teams: Holy Spirit guidance in choosing songs; Directing the practice sessions; Discipling musicians; Protection from spiritual warfare; To know how to cross-pollinate the teams; * For the Worship Team members: Sensitivity to the Holy Spirit’s leading during the worship service; Musical ability (ie. instrumental and vocal); God to bring the right members to the worship team unity. Would love to have more people on the Worship Team!
Sunday Service Prayer Teams: Prayer Teams are available to minister during the time of Body Ministry in the Sunday Morning Service. Anyone in the service who has a need for personal prayer is invited to take advantage of this ministry of prayer. No need is too small or too great to bring to the Lord in prayer. This is a beautiful expression of the Body ministering to one another in the love of Christ and led by the Holy Spirit.
CURRENTLY SERVING: Ed and Nancy H, Jerry and Charlene D, Chuck and Diane S, James and Debbie M
Prayer Points and Needs: * New Participants desired for the Prayer Team ministry * Wisdom and discernment in praying for people * To be led by the Holy Spirit * People would feel free to come for prayer * People would experience the healing and encouragement of the Holy Spirit
Communion Preparation: Preparing the Communion elements for the Body of Christ to partake and together remember the death of our Lord.
Currently Serving: Jim G
Sunday Morning Greeters: These are the first friendly faces we see as we enter the church on Sunday morning, directing those who are visiting or new and welcoming all to worship.
Sunday Morning Security Team: TCF men volunteer to stand watch at the back entrance to ensure security both for the church service and the parking lot
Currently Serving: Various men in the church. Prayer Points and Needs: Pray for the security of our church, the property and those coming and going on Sunday and during the week.
Presentation Team: The ministry of the Presentation Team is to enhance the ministry of the services at TCF. During the Praise and Worship, they synchronizing the lyrics of the songs being sung onstage by the worship team on the front screens in order to aid the congregation in participation in the singing. During the Ministry of the Word, the team sometimes presents additional speaker’s visual content on the front screens for the congregation to view. After the service, the team uploads the speaker’s message to the internet to access a wider audience. This work includes setting up and monitoring TCF's live Zoom cast of the Sunday service.
CURRENTLY SERVING: Caleb C, Daniel D, Dave M, Barb S, Ethan T
Prayer Points and Needs: * Synchronization of songs between the worship team and the powerpoint being run from the computer * Wisdom to simplify the presentation during a service and uploading of content onto the internet after the service * Protection from technical difficulties and mistakes * Need another volunteer
The Sound Team sets up and operates the sound equipment for TCF services. They arrive 1 hour prior to the service to set up equipment for that week's worship team configuration and to record the sermon. They mix the microphone levels to give the best sound in the auditorium. The Sound Team must remain alert at all times during the service to correct, as quickly as possible, any problems that arise with the sound equipment. CURRENTLY SERVING: Jerry D, Steve S
Prayer Points and Needs: * That each team member will be quick to identify and resolve equipment problems in a way that does not disturb the worship service * That we will be able to identify the improvements that will give the listeners and the users of the sound equipment the most benefit * That the Sound Team will be able to participate in the service while keeping the equipment running properly * That equipment will work properly and be durable * That equipment will be protected from abuse or theft
Ushers serve during the Sunday Morning Service by greeting visitors and handing them TCF information packets. They collect the congregational tithes and offerings and deliver them to a secure location. On the last Sunday, they direct the congregation to the front of the church where Communion is served. Ushers play an important role in ensuring order in these elements of our services.
Currently Serving: Al B, Mark R, Chuck S,
Prayer Points and Needs: * That our Ushers would view their service as unto the Lord and the Body of Christ * To be aware of the import of their responsibility * To be on time to the service and alert and ready to go during the service * To know that their service is valued by the Lord and by the Body
Pulpit Ministry: The Elders of TCF mainly function in this role although the elders are always on the alert for men in the congregation, other than elders, who would be a blessing to the church in preaching or teaching. There especially is a desire to see some of the younger men grow in this gift. All of the current preacher/teachers are very concerned about rightly dividing the Word of God. It is also important that those in the pulpit not only give accurate teaching, but that the Word from the Lord for the moment for His people comes forth. This requires much time and seeking of the Lord, with heart preparation as well as study.
CURRENTLY SERVING: The TCF Elders and occasional guests and TCF missionaries
Prayer Points and Needs: * Preachers/Teachers would rightly divide the Word of God * Their hearts and ears would be open to what the Lord wants to say to His people * God would lay His Word on their hearts * Protection over their preparation time and from general satanic harassment the week before ministering (and after!)
New Members Class: This 8 week class is taught by the Elders and is a prerequisite for membership. Pray for those who will be attending and will be confirming their commitment to TCF.
House Churches: TCF House Churches meet weekly. They are located throughout the city and much of church life is centered in these smaller groups. House Churches operate as smaller versions of church with worship, fellowship, growth and mission as central focuses. Each House Church has its own particular flavor centered around growing together in the Lord through prayer, discipleship, teaching and relational accountability. Because of the smaller number, those committed to a House Church are able to develop meaningful and intimate relationships with each other. The practical nurturing of needs and support comes to TCF members largely through the house church to which they belong. Additionally, the House Church serves as an ideal place to bring unbelievers, friends, etc as members are encouraged to develop and maintain a lifestyle of evangelism.
TCF House Churches: Midwest - Troutmans & Sheppards; Jesus Inn - Wrights & Guarnieris; Piccolo - Sullivans
Prayer Points and Needs: *Pray for house church pastors and co-pastors, renewed strength, creativity and vision * challenges, health and other issues that many members of the house churches are facing * for the Spirit's strength, wisdom and power in ministry to one another in house churches * that the ministry of the Word through teaching and Bible study would result in growth and grace and maturity in Christ * for relationships to be deep in the love and unity of Christ * for young leaders to be raised up in house churches * for more TCFers to be involved in house churches
Sunday Night Seminar: The Sunday Night Seminars run concurrently with Bible Bowl and FASTRAC for 8 weeks in the Spring and the Fall. The Seminars have offered an extracurricular opportunity for those seeking Christian growth and discipleship through teaching and discussion on varied topics such as: Christian History, in-depth study of individual Books of the Bible, Christian Marriage, Prayer, Evangelism, Christian Mission, Christian Worldview, World Religions, etc
TEACHERS/FACILITATORS: Usually, the TCF Elders teach and/or facilitate the presentation of material in the Sunday Night Seminars.
Prayer Points and Needs: *That the Elders would hear God’s direction concerning themes for each seminar * For teachers to be guided in preparation and able to communicate clearly to the class * That those attending would grasp God’s truth from each session and be able to practically apply it to their lives * That TCF members would take opportunity to invite Christian friends or others they know for whom a particular topic would be relevant * Pray that the current seminar would enlighten and solidify a biblically sound Christian worldview
2nd Wednesday Corporate Prayer: TCF Corporate Prayer is held the 2nd Wednesday of each month at the church. House Churches cancel their regular meeting and encourage their members to attend this gathering for corporate prayer. Prayer is offered up for the needs of TCF and its ministries as well as TCF members in need, all TCF missionaries, and whatever the Lord might direct.
SERVING AS FACILITATORS: The TCF Elders on a rotating basis
Prayer Points and Needs: * That the Holy Spirit would give the Elder leading clarity and creativity concerning direction, focus or theme for the meeting * That the Holy Spirit would guide every point of prayer * Each person attending would be led by the Holy Spirit in their particular participation in offering prayer * That the Holy Spirit would renew our hearts concerning prayer for the church and increase attendance to this meeting
Missions Prayer Band was initiated in 2001 with the purpose of having a regular time of corporate prayer to support all TCF Missionaries. Held every Sunday morning upstairs in Room 212, from 9-10 A.M. before the main service at TCF, this small band of intercessors prays for our missionaries around the world and the nations in which they serve. A section of this prayer hour is also devoted to pray for the Persecuted Church worldwide.
CURRENTLY SERVING: Facilitated by: Gordon & Sue W
Prayer Points and Needs: * More pray-ers to support our missionaries in prayer! * Pray-ers to commit to 1 or 2 Sundays/month if they can’t come every week.
TCF Library is a valuable resource for many genre of Christian oriented reading & audio/visual material. There are materials for kids as well as adults from fiction to biographies to teaching/instructional. The library is stocked mainly from donations. It is a popular place for many to stop off at on Sundays to browse or borrow.
Prayer Points and Needs: *Pray for Carla as she continues to process donations and organizes the library resources * Volunteers needed!
Men’s Council: The Men's Council is charged with the responsibility of directing the Men’s Ministry at TCF. This includes planning the quarterly men’s fellowship breakfasts and special meetings during the year covering guy-specific topics. The men will be meeting to discuss making the TCF building more accessible to people with disabilities. Pray about funding for the work.
CURRENTLY SERVING: Mike B, James M, Chuck S, Steve S, Jon F
The Men's Council has a list of men who sign up for specific Sundays as security detail during the service.
Prayer Points and Needs: That the Council will know God’s direction in planning events, special speakers, and fellowship for the men * That TCF men will find common connections and develop friendships with each other * That through this ministry each man’s relationship with the Lord will be nurtured and strengthened * Pray for the “Samson Society” a fellowship where men can talk about personal struggles in a confidential setting and that men will feel free to come.
Women's Council: The Women's Council oversees the Women's Ministry for TCF. The Council prays for the women of TCF. It plans and facilitates events throughout the year that are aimed at meeting the needs of the women. We plan at least one service event every year that so that the women can work together to serve a ministry or individuals who have needs. The Council also facilitates the gathering of food items and provides service for meals planned at TCF for missionaries, funerals, and other events requiring a meal.
Prayer Points and Needs: * The Women's Council would know God’s direction on ways to best meet the needs of the women at TCF * That God would knit the women of TCF together, and that we can be encouraged by each other in our faith * That more of the women of TCF would be drawn to participate in the women’s meetings and activities *
The Baby and the Toddler Nurseries care for children from birth to pre-school during the Sunday morning service. They are staffed by TCF members who volunteer on a particular Sunday each month.
CURRENTLY SERVING: Diana D, Cheryl B, Ruth V, Linda S, Debbie M, Junghee & Christine D, Maren B, Barb S, Evangeline F
Prayer Points & Needs: Praise the Lord for several new volunteers * Wisdom and grace for those serving to minister to the babies and toddlers * That the Holy Spirit would fill the nurseries with the peace of His presence. Need Subs for the Nursery Workers.
Children’s Church classes function as “Sunday School” for TCF children. Children’s Church serves kids preschool age to 6th grade. The goal is to help the children come into a relationship with God, the Father, and Jesus Christ, Savior and Lord, through the work of the Holy Spirit. We want to help them grow in their knowledge of God's Word, and in expressing their faith by their godly lives, words and deeds.
CURRENTLY SERVING: Preschool through 2nd Grade: James T & James M, Megan F & John F; Carla D, Thomas D; 3rd - 6th Grade: Jody M, Diane S, Charlene D, Karen S, Nancy H, Christine D
Prayer Points and Needs: New Helper needed for 3-6 grades *Teaching Teams will work well together * Teachers will have wisdom in teaching and presenting God’s Word * Children’s hearts will be open and responsive to the Lord * KIds will be attentive and able to apply the Word to their lives * Teachers will have wisdom in ministering to the children who are coming in from the neighborhood * Wisdom in renovating the upstairs for more effective ministry * PTL! Resource room has been organized!
Bible Bowl is a Sunday night program for children from age 4 to 4th grade. Bible Bowl runs 8 weeks in January and February and again in September and October. The emphasis is Scripture Memory designed to help children build a lifelong habit of “hiding God’s Word in their hearts.” The evening includes activities, games, prizes and lots of FUN!
CURRENTLY SERVING: Diana D, Bill S, Amy T, James T, Steve S
Prayer Points and Needs: Bible Bowl coaches – strength, energy, wisdom and a good connection with each of the kids that attend * Parents would be closely involved with their kids in helping them to catch a vision for and to be diligent in memorizing scripture * A hunger in the hearts of the children for God’s Word and God’s Truth * That each child would grow in grace and in the knowledge of Jesus as their Savior and Lord *New kids coming in this fall will transition well into the group
FASTRAC: An acronym for “Fifth and Sixth Team Reaching After Christ,” FASTRAC provides a transition between the children of Bible Bowl age and the youth of BASIC. It runs 8 weeks in January and February and again in September and October (concurrently with the Sunday Night Seminar and Bible Bowl). Fun and games are carefully balanced by solid Bible teaching and discussion as the youth are encouraged to nurture their daily walk with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Prayer Points and Needs: For the Leaders of FASTRAC: The ability to develop meaningful relationships with the kids *To discern what the kids need and be able to teach them effectively * Be led by the Holy Spirit in planning the Bible lessons and games *Find an outside service project for the youth * For the 5th & 6th Graders in FASTRAC: *Pray for new kids coming in this fall. That the kids would be attentive and have open ears and hearts to learn from the Scripture lessons * Full surrender to God (Rom. 12:1-2) * Hear and obey God's voice * Form Christ-centered relationships * Have fun
Brothers And Sisters in Christ (B.A.S.I.C.) is a community of 7th grade through high school students that meets on Sunday evenings at TCF. The purpose of this youth meeting is to create a safe and open environment for TCF and community teens to be discipled in Jesus Christ and in the Word of God as it relates to everyday life and its challenges. Teens are challenged to grow deeper in their relationship with God and each other. Besides the weekly gatherings, throughout the year special opportunities are offered for fellowship, Christian growth, service and missions.
Prayer Points and Needs: Pray for the leaders and their families, protection and God's presence Pray for the Lord's leading in this vitally important discipleship of our teens. *. * For the leaders to develop relationships of trust with the youth * To be led by the Holy Spirit in their gatherings * God's strength and guidance in coordinating meetings and activities * For the new kids coming into BASIC. * That they would know the true Nature of God and truly love Him. * That the Lord will make Himself real to the teens * To grow in love toward and God and faith in Him * That their walk with God will be a priority in their lives * To apply what they are being taught to real life
The Kendall Whittier Neighborhood is where TCF is located in Tulsa. KW Elementary School is where TCF has a focused outreach -“Good News Club”– an after school Bible program. This is a time of transition in most areas of peoples lives due to the challenging times in which we live. Pray that this will open opportunities for the Gospel.
Prayer Points and Needs: * Thank God for the impact TCF has had on the neighborhood and for all that He wants to do for the people of KW * TCF’s vision and role in reaching out to the neighborhood. * * Wisdom for the school administration in their efforts to improve the outcomes for students * Renewed spirit of community in the KW area through neighbors befriending each other and being involved in each other’s lives * God’s favor in unity and vision as a broad plan is developed and implemented by neighbors, schools and services providers (many of whom are TCFers) to dramatically improve the prospect for the poor in the neighborhood and to ensure that all children in the community receive a high-quality education and live in a vibrant, healthy community * KW Growing Together, headed by Kirk Wester, providing resources to families affected by poverty, addiction, crime; *City Year, college grads mentoring kids and helping families; * Area renovation spearheaded by TU and Capital Homes* Particular challenges facing the KW area: Domestic Violence, Substance Abuse, Child Abuse and Neglect, Poverty, Premature fatality * God would open hearts and minds to the Gospel and bring salvation
Kendall Whittier Elementary School is the main focal point of TCF’s outreach in the Kendall Whittier area. We want to be a support to this school serving a needy neighborhood. We have a strong presence in the school every Friday through the Good News Club after school Bible program. Kids are being brought to Jesus and trained in Biblical principles. Our relationship with the school administration is healthy and ongoing. We are hoping that the impact for Christ will continue to expand to the families of the KW children and the KW staff and, if they are without a church home, even drawn to attend TCF.
CURRENTLY SERVING: Those serving with the Good News Club after school Bible program.
KW Prayer Initiative - offers weekly, onsite prayer for the school, GNC, and the neighborhood. See Sue Wright for more info
Prayer Points and Needs: * Ronda K, principal of KW - wisdom and direction as she leads the school* KW Teachers, adjusting to the school’s new leadership and facing challenges from more demanding school system standards and requirements * Ask God to break any spiritual strongholds affecting the teachers’ freedom and creativity that enable them to truly connect with the children * Our own Jason F, who teaches 4th grade at KW * Homeless “Shelter Kids” who attend KW * Many significant issues for KW kids, including disabilities, immigrant/language challenges, broken families, substance abuse/addiction, poverty * About 1200 children, from K-6th grade at KW school * Good News Club * Any further opportunities that the Lord may open for us at KW school
Good News Club is an after-school Bible club that meets on Friday afternoons at Kendall Whittier Elementary School. Child Evangelism Fellowship won the right to have these clubs in the schools at a U.S.Supreme Court hearing in 2001. The kids are memorizing Bible verses and learning Bible stories. They sing, play games and have refreshments. As well as group assembly activities, the kids meet in small groups. Most of the kids have prayed to receive Jesus Christ as their personal savior by the end of the school year.
CURRENTLY SERVING: Charlene D, Diane S, Tom & Jody M, Daniel and Emily C
Prayer Points and Needs: A very small number of kids attended last year.* Pray for the Lord to bring the children He wants to be there. *Pray as they implement new, creative ideas and for team unity, *Pray for our volunteers to be able to focus on discipleship of those kids who know the Lord. Pray for the kids who are already believers that the Lord would protect and mature their faith. *Pray for refreshing and great wisdom for the small group leaders as they minister to the kids * Good communication between TCF-GNC leadership team and the KW staff * We have a small group of intercessors who meet weekly to pray for GNC and KW School. Anyone who is interested in joining this group contact Sue W. Contact Laura G for the GNC prayer letter via email.
Vacation Bible School (VBS) is a summer program held each June or July at TCF. There are about 100 kids from the neighborhood who attend as well as TCF kids. Each day begins with an assembly including all the kids. After this, they rotate in crews of 5-10 kids to different activities including Bible Story, crafts, games, snacks, etc. Each day ends with another assembly gathering. Kids have an opportunity to receive Jesus as Savior and to learn a lot about the Bible in a very exciting and FUN atmosphere.
CURRENT WORKERS: A Variety of TCF volunteers each year
Prayer Points and Needs: Pray for James and Amy T as they head up VBS. Wisdom about this year's program and whether it should go on in the midst of the virus crisis, be delayed, or canceled this year.
The Missions Council advises the elders on all aspects of mission policy and finances at TCF. They review the applications submitted by those who feel a call to become a TCF missionary and receive financial and/or prayer support for both long and short-term missionary work. The Missions Council also has input into the planning and carrying out of the annual TCF Missions Conference.
CURRENTLY SERVING: Ed H, Steve S, Linda S, Beth T, Dave T, Caleb C
Prayer Points and Needs: * Wisdom and discernment in making decisions about policy and individual missionaries * Vision and faith for the ongoing missions program at TCF and what God has for us in the future *
The TCF Missions Conference is held annually in February. It is a time to re-envision the congregation concerning our call to world missions and our role in particular to pray, to give, and to go. A keynote speaker is invited to inform and inspire by sharing their experiences and expertise in world missions. The conference also features one or more of the TCF missionaries/families who minister and share about their field of service. The church auditorium is adorned with the flags of the nations in which TCF missionaries serve and the walls are lined with colorful booths highlighting all the TCF missionaries, their work and the nation in which they serve. There is also a Children’s Missions Conference which runs concurrently with the adult conference allowing the children to experience some of the culture and call of world missions.
FACILITATORS: The TCF Elders, The Missions Council, The TCF Staff, Missions Agents
Prayer Points and Needs: *TCF would be re-envisioned for the world – to pray, to give, to go * Those in the congregation that God will call to go as missionaries * Prayer and Giving would be stimulated for our missionaries * Conference would make a city-wide impact for world missions * Those called to be a part of TCF missions vision would be drawn to TCF
Children’s Missions Conference is held during the Friday evening service of the TCF Missions Conference and often continuing it on Sunday during Children’s Church. The goal is for the children to have a mission’s vision for the world, to grow in compassion for the lost, and to know that they can be a part of missions right now as they pray for and support missionaries and mission work. Whenever possible, TCF missionaries who are at home for a time share their experiences. They often have their children share.
CURRENTLY SERVING: Diane S, TCF Missionaries, TCF Volunteers Prayer Points and Needs: *TCF children will receive a vision for missions at an early age * Opportunities for the children to serve the missions vision even while young * Grace and creativity for those planning the conference * Extra help needed for the children’s conference— TCF Volunteers Needed!