Bible Bowl winter semester continues this Sunday, January 19, starting at 5:30. Quiz questions and memory verses for this week are posted below. Parents, be sure to get your kids here in plenty of time to recite memory verses. Memory room open at 5:00 p.m. Bible Bowl is our scripture memory program for children from 4 years old through 4th grade. BB takes place twice per year in September-October and January-February, eight weeks each semester, and the program has run for more than 35 years. Each week during the Bible Bowl season, parents and Bible Bowlers can access the quiz questions for the upcoming Sunday here. You can also see a page full of BB pics here. And parents - check here for other important documents, such as ABC verses, point system, memory books, etc. WEEK 3 – January 19, 2025
THEME: Jesus, Our Foundation Mystery Box Memory verse: "Behold, I lay in Zion a chief cornerstone, elect, precious" 1 Pet 2:6 Kinder Box: “Z” verse Bible text: 1 Peter 2:4-10 Last week we talked about how the Bible often compares our life to the construction of a building. We also learned that God's foundation for us is Jesus, "For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Christ Jesus." He is known in the Bible as the Cornerstone, which is the most important stone set in the entire house or building. It is the very first stone laid, and all the other stones will be set according to that one, so it determines the position and integrity of the entire structure. It has to be perfect. Can you imagine a perfect person? Jesus was. He never broke any of God's laws, not even one time! He never lied, cheated, stole, hurt anyone, or said bad words. In fact, he never even had a bad thought about anybody. Every single thing he did was just the thing that God wanted him to do. As we read 1 Peter 2:4-10, we learn some things about Jesus, and some things about us. We can see that even though Jesus was rejected by men, He was chosen by God and is precious to Him. And we can see that those of us who follow Jesus have become a chosen and special people, who get to proclaim His praise. You know when you're in the dark, maybe feeling a little scared because you can't see anything, and then you find the light? It is such a great feeling when you can finally see again. That's what Jesus did for us-we were living in spiritual darkness with no way out, and then Jesus made the way for us to live in the light all the time. No more darkness! That's what makes God worthy of our praise, now and forever! Quiz Questions