TCF Sunday bulletin
January 12, 2025
Prayer for the Nations focus for January - Algeria
It is good to give thanks to the LORD, and to sing praises to your name, O Most High; to declare your lovingkindness in the morning and your faithfulness by night…For you make me glad by your deeds, Lord; I sing for joy at what your hands have done. How great are your works, Lord, how profound your thoughts. Psalm 92:1,2&4
MISSIONARY OF THE WEEK – Randy and Deanna H., equipping future African ministers. See prayer requests on the IPL on the literature table.
BASIC FUNDRAISER – BASIC will be raising funds during January for an upcoming ski trip. They are available for raking and yardwork. Contact Jon F. or James T. to schedule.
SUNDAY MORNING PRAYER TEAM MINISTRY - We would like to add a prayer team or two to our weekly Sunday rotation. If you believe the Lord is leading you to pray for others, and would like to participate in these times of ministry, please consider joining the prayer team ministry!
INTERCESSORS PRAYER LIST (IPL) –There are prayer requests listed on the IPL that have not been updated for many weeks. If you have placed a request on the IPL, please call the church office to confirm it is still current. Thank you!
January 12 – Sunday Night Activities – Bible Bowl, FASTRAC & Sunday Night Seminar, 5:30-7pm
January 25 – Women’s Prayer time for descendants – 10-11:30am
January 25 – Off-Site Prayer Advance, 7am-5pm
SUNDAY NIGHT SEMINAR - The Gospel of John is the topic of the January/February 2025 Sunday Night Seminar. The Gospel of John does not present a sequential narrative of the life of Christ but presents significant episodes. The Gospel of John contains some of the most theologically significant information found in the Scriptures.
SAMSON SOCIETY - The TCF Men's Council sponsors the men-only Samson Society, which meets every 2nd and 4th Saturday morning from 8:30-9:30 at the church. The Samson Society is a meeting for men who struggle with repetitive or addictive sins or behavior of any kind. It is Christ-centered, safe, confidential, and supportive. For more information contact either Mike Br. or Chuck S.
‘OFF-SITE’ MONTHLY PRAYER ADVANCE - will be held Saturday, January 25, from 7a.m. - 5p.m. Please consider participating in these days of prayer!. Sign-up sheet is in the north foyer.
WOMEN’S PRAYER TIME FOR DESCENDANTS - Please consider joining with other sisters in Christ in praying for our families. Sign-up sheet is in the north foyer.
Bible Bowl
Theme: Jesus, Our Foundation
Bible Text: Matthew 7:24-28
Kinder Box – “T” verse
Memory verse: 1 Corinthians 3:11
Welcome! We are blessed that you have chosen to worship with us this morning and pray that you will find peace and a growing confidence in Christ through our time together.
Prayer for the Nations focus for January - Algeria
It is good to give thanks to the LORD, and to sing praises to your name, O Most High; to declare your lovingkindness in the morning and your faithfulness by night…For you make me glad by your deeds, Lord; I sing for joy at what your hands have done. How great are your works, Lord, how profound your thoughts. Psalm 92:1,2&4
MISSIONARY OF THE WEEK – Randy and Deanna H., equipping future African ministers. See prayer requests on the IPL on the literature table.
BASIC FUNDRAISER – BASIC will be raising funds during January for an upcoming ski trip. They are available for raking and yardwork. Contact Jon F. or James T. to schedule.
SUNDAY MORNING PRAYER TEAM MINISTRY - We would like to add a prayer team or two to our weekly Sunday rotation. If you believe the Lord is leading you to pray for others, and would like to participate in these times of ministry, please consider joining the prayer team ministry!
INTERCESSORS PRAYER LIST (IPL) –There are prayer requests listed on the IPL that have not been updated for many weeks. If you have placed a request on the IPL, please call the church office to confirm it is still current. Thank you!
January 12 – Sunday Night Activities – Bible Bowl, FASTRAC & Sunday Night Seminar, 5:30-7pm
January 25 – Women’s Prayer time for descendants – 10-11:30am
January 25 – Off-Site Prayer Advance, 7am-5pm
SUNDAY NIGHT SEMINAR - The Gospel of John is the topic of the January/February 2025 Sunday Night Seminar. The Gospel of John does not present a sequential narrative of the life of Christ but presents significant episodes. The Gospel of John contains some of the most theologically significant information found in the Scriptures.
SAMSON SOCIETY - The TCF Men's Council sponsors the men-only Samson Society, which meets every 2nd and 4th Saturday morning from 8:30-9:30 at the church. The Samson Society is a meeting for men who struggle with repetitive or addictive sins or behavior of any kind. It is Christ-centered, safe, confidential, and supportive. For more information contact either Mike Br. or Chuck S.
‘OFF-SITE’ MONTHLY PRAYER ADVANCE - will be held Saturday, January 25, from 7a.m. - 5p.m. Please consider participating in these days of prayer!. Sign-up sheet is in the north foyer.
WOMEN’S PRAYER TIME FOR DESCENDANTS - Please consider joining with other sisters in Christ in praying for our families. Sign-up sheet is in the north foyer.
Bible Bowl
Theme: Jesus, Our Foundation
Bible Text: Matthew 7:24-28
Kinder Box – “T” verse
Memory verse: 1 Corinthians 3:11
Welcome! We are blessed that you have chosen to worship with us this morning and pray that you will find peace and a growing confidence in Christ through our time together.